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Home > Developers > Submit your software

Submit your software

Here is a list of some cool software archives. As a developer, you can submit your software to them. All the sites listed below have been tested by myself for my own utilities.



  Free software hosting
  Utilities accepted
  Games accepted

Ease of submitting software

Overall rate

Simtel.Net is the most popular software archive in the world, known by former MS-Dos and Windows 3.1 software developers. At the current time, it only accepts utilities but not games (except those for educational purposes). By submitting your program to Simtel.Net, you will get your files hosted on dozens of FTP servers all around the world, and it will be announced on a mailing-list. Many software journalists are receiving this mailing-list and may download your program for a review. Probably the best software archive around...



  Free software hosting
  Utilities accepted
  Games accepted

Ease of submitting software
Overall rate

This is a nice software archive powered by ZDNet. SoftSeek will not host your files, but will create a database entry for your program. Games and utilities are welcome. They will be shown on their web site, but you must provide a link for downloading, you can't upload your files. However, you can submit a screenshot. They review every software submitted and they will slightly modify your description of the software to reflect the most interesting features. A great archive, which has existed for several years now.



  Free software hosting
  Utilities accepted
  Games accepted

Ease of submitting software
Overall personal rate

Another cool software archive, which works like (no hosting) and it lets you submit your files description and screenshot. Nice new web site which deserves to display your software too !


You know a good site which should be listed here? Contact me !